Boiled down to bullet points

“Is he husband material or is he a waste of time?”, “7 Signs he’s into you”, “Is he really worth it?”. Facebook seems to think my forever “single” status, means I want/need to be bombarded with lists clarifying what makes a guy worth it or not. But really, if you have to turn to a list online over a guy, you’re probably not going to like the answer. What once littered the shelves in grocery store check out lines scrawled across Cosmo and Seventeen, is now repeated all over Buzzfeed and Elite Daily. The same articles, different words. When did trusting your gut go by the way side? Why trust a generic list over what’s in front of you? We get it, guys and gals communicate differently, but if you can’t communicate at all, RUN. Maybe the lists are what some people need for that final call to action or maybe they just continue to cause more drama than their worth. You wouldn’t ask a stranger on the street for relationship advice, so why ask a list? Thanks for your help Facebook, but I think I’ll stick to my own experiences.