Monday well spent

In this mad rush of a world, sometimes it’s nice to slow down and just enjoy morning coffee.

In the crazy world of news, everything has to be done right here, right now, and before anyone else. Be the first to break the news and break it right. Get the best angle and get it out there before anyone else does. It’s exhilarating and exhausting in all the best ways. Normally, it’s also how I live my life in general. Everything new, now, and fast. Constantly wanting change and the next thing to come around the corner. But sometimes, it’s nice to appreciate the here and now. It’s nice to sit in a comfy T, drink too much coffee, and write long, thoughtful letters to loved ones. No next step, no planning, just being with my thoughts. The worry can wait.

Sometimes it’s nice to remind myself that life isn’t a race to the end. Life is about the here and now. Life is about appreciating what’s right in front of you. Planning and thinking about the future are great, but not at the cost of losing today.

I’m starting this Monday slow and hoping it carries through the week.

And he said “Let there be coffee!”

Is a “Coffee Daddy” a thing? Like a Sugar Daddy that brings me coffee on demand. That should be a thing. Better yet, a Coffee and Wine Daddy. Actually, I don’t like the idea of using the word “Daddy” about anyone other than my own father, it actually makes me really uncomfortable. My “Coffee Dealer”? Nope, sounds too much like drug dealer. I guess caffeine is kind of a drug? But I don’t want to be talking about my “dealer” and have people assume I’m on drugs. Also, that same term could be used for a barista…. Why don’t we call barista “Coffee Dealers”? I guess because of the reasons I already laid out. Maybe I just need a boyfriend who brings me coffee? Though that sounds like a lot of commitment just for coffee. Is dating a barista for free coffee wrong? This is a huge moral dilemma. I just want constant free coffee in my life and I don’t think that makes me a bad person. Actually, after all the rambling, I think it’s time I put down the caffeine.